Best sounding turntable and cartridge for $1100

I have seen a lot of turntable and cartridges packages in  $1000- $1100, such as the Project RPM3 with the Sumiko BP-2 MC.   Project Xperience 1 with a Sumiko Pearl MM;  Rega Planar 3 with a Elys II cartridge. 

 I have formerly owned a Rega 3-24 with Elys II  and a Project Carbon DC with Ortofon 2M Red (which I did not like at all) . Would like to try something different, but can live with the above brands depending on their overall performance 

Need recommendations for turntable/cartridge new or used combo that punches far above its price of  $1100.  Thank you


shadone. I have read very strong testimonials for Denon DL-110. I just hope the output is at least 3.0.mV for either MM or high output MC .  Thanks

The Denon DL-110.

This was my first cartridge when I realized I was hooked!

Back then... in the late 80's, I bought mine from Japanese Stereo for $55.00.

I happen to be listening to a SG 3 as I read this. It was given to me by a friend who has numerous tables ( VPI, Rega, Thorens) was collecting dust in a closet. I have an Ortofon 2M blue cart and a Bellari VP130 with upgraded tube and power cable. To me it sounds fantastic. When I considered buying a new table in the $750-$1000 range my vinyl junkie friend, who's older and wiser, said "you're gonna have spend more than that to sound better"...

To Slaw, How does the DL-110 match up with light to medium tonearms. How might it compare to  other cartridges like Rega Elys II;  Ortofon  Bronze, or Clearaudio Performer V-2  which are high output MM's

To schism:. You friend is right; I wish I had kept mine which I bought new in 1988  for half price on a salesman's accommodation. I also owned VPI Rega, Thorens.  However, I had no complaints about the VPI or Rega,  but the "refurbished" Thorens TD-145 was a turkey and junk.  Thanks.    

Thanks for your post schism. I intend to pass my SG-3 on to one of my kids. 

Sunny, I had a dealer friend sell me mine highly discounted. One of the best audio buys I have made, especially given cost and 'time in grade'.