So much wrong headed thinking here.
Sure, a $130,000 speaker may be more of a negative impact on the environment than a $30,000 or $3,000 speaker would be. But seriously, the percentage of $130,000 produced is a fraction of $3,000 speakers, so, in the long, and short run, the less expensive speakers, due to their numbers being produced, have a bigger environmental impact.
This reminds me of the time during the Bush presidency (not ragging on Bush specifically), when gas prices went up to $5.00 a gallon, and people who owned their gas guzzling SUV’s would say things like, "I don’t hear too many people complaining about those gas guzzling Ferraris or Maseratis". Well yeah, how many gas guzzling $40,000 SUV’s are around, as compared to gas guzzling $200,000 supercars?
Then I read things like, "spend $30,000 and use the other $100,000 to buy thing "X".
Sorry to inform those of you using this sort of "advice" and logic, but can you imagine anyone looking to buy a pair of $130,000 speakers, being unable to also buy "thing X", too. I don’t imagine too many people able t afford $130,000 speakers, needing to eat instant ramen for a year in order to afford them.
As far as not getting what you pay for with $130,000 speakers, again, it is a bogus argument. The same can be said for any audio product using the same argument. Just watch any of those GR Research vids where he opens up well respected, much lower cost speakers, and see all the electrolytic caps, iron core inductors, and sand cast resistors that are used. At least with high end speakers, they are using good quality parts,
I have heard quite a few speakers at this range, and all things being equal, they are all worth the price, because they all sound better than speakers at lower price ranges. If one justifies speakers at $130,000 not being worth the price, the same arguments can be used for speakers at any price.
Remember, the vast majority of music listeners use $20 ear buds, listening to MP3s, on their smart phones. And they think your moderate few grand you spent on a complete system is ridiculous money to spend.
Every time I read a thread that makes fun of the extreme high end prices, and those willing to spend it, I can’t help but think there is a bit of ’sour grapes’ going on.