See my posts about the Lahave Mela monitors (just do a search).
I don't want to repeat myself and bore people anymore.
I own a pair and recommend them highly, and I don't have any connection with the audio industry at all and I'm not selling them. No shilling here.
Oh heck, I'm going to repeat myself one more time from the other thread because these speakers make me happy more than any other audio component I ever bought (except maybe my Audeze headphones):
Call a dealer who sells LaHave Melas and ask for a good deal.
I have them after listening to/owning lots of speakers, including Dyn C1s. Just plain awesome tonality without fatigue. I sound like a shill now from my posts but I'm not. I just bought a pair from a private audiogoner and I LOVE these things. Search in the forums and you'll see my posts. I think they may have the tonality and overall enjoyment of $37K TAD monitors, and I'd have to think hard about trading them even-steven for TADs. My Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors that I really liked are in the closet now because of the Lahaves.
And my Harbeth SHL5s are sold also because the Lahaves are so much better, with much more reach into the music. You will be neither bored or assaulted by the Mela monitors, and they don't need expensive stands either.