Audiokinesis ) Makes speakers in this price point that perform well beside speakers costing multiples more.
They are easy to drive and rather full-range, going easily into the lower 30s or upper 20s, which is hard to find in speakers at this price point. Duke is a master at making crossovers and drivers work together, and integrating that with recent advances of understanding of how the human ear works. He is also a really great guy to work with! At this price point this would be one of my top contenders.
They are easy to drive and rather full-range, going easily into the lower 30s or upper 20s, which is hard to find in speakers at this price point. Duke is a master at making crossovers and drivers work together, and integrating that with recent advances of understanding of how the human ear works. He is also a really great guy to work with! At this price point this would be one of my top contenders.