Best Speakers under 1k for me

Hey guys, so my birthday is coming up and I want to put some money towards a new speaker purchase. My current setup is Chromecast-Topping D30-LM3886 Chip amp (in progress)-Q Acoustics Concept 20.

I've been hearing great things about the lxmini's and Zu audio Omen. My room is about 11x13ft and one half of my front wall is a double pane window. I can build another amp pretty cheaply for biamping.

What do you think? I'd prefer to not use a separate subwoofer.
I have a NAD C326BEE that I'm powering them with. The combination might be a tad warm for me, but I think I can fix that with a change in amplifier and I plan to upgrade the drivers. I saw these speakers initially on craigslist for $500.00 and the guy kept marking them down. I had never heard them before until I went to his house to demo. Now I'm a fan. When I've been home, they've been on constantly. I am now looking for a new integrated to pair with them. I might try tubes. Maybe build a SET amp.
My favorite system of all time was Dahlquist DQ-10's with a Dynaco Tube amp. I am hoping that these speakers and an amp change might get me back... but much more efficient.
If you have drywall try In wall speaker where you get full advantage of infinite baffle and no font wall boom or reflections. Elac Debut IW-6 (4inch deep) claims same cabinet speaker performance. but toeing in and determining the placement is difficult before installation, it has to be planned before cutting the dry wall. room behind may experience leaked sound. you can try drywall it self turned slightly to face the listening position.
Also read this in wall speakers there are you-tube and web to help.