Best SS amp choice for Zu Omen

I am considering 3 inexpensive amps to drive my recently obtained Zu Omens. My NAD c326Bee is a little warm for my taste and have decided use it for a second system in my bedroom. These 3 amps I can get between $600-$800 Musical Fidelity m2si, Music Hall a70.2, or a Naim Nait 5si. In the near future I am definitely wanting tubes, but I need a little time to study up on the matter.
Thank you... you have opened my eyes. I have been thinking about separates. This might be a good opportunity. Thanks Mr. D
The  Rogue Audio Sphinx V2 Integrated as has been mentioned is well worth the extra couple of dollars.
Some feel that the phono stage alone is worth the price !

Will have plenty of head room for your Zu`s no doubt.
What are your sources. It is a high gain amp. I would recommend you read up on the STA 200, as well as the JOB 225 ( both designed using a Goldmund circuit, which Goldmund has been upgrading ( perfecting ) for 15 or so years, licensed out to Job and Nuforce ( now Nuprime ). Check out the reviews, as they are very useful pertaining to your question. Many users and reviewers recommend a passive unit ( the circuit was designed to be driven from a Dac ), as I am going from Dac, to passive, to amp, but many folks are using a preamp. Some have added a passive volume control between the preamp and amp, to get wider adjustments of their preamp's volume control. Hope this helps. Enjoy ! MrD.
Mr. D would the Schiit Saga be a good choice for a this amp? It's $350.00 and has a remote control.