Mr. D. I appreciate the advise. I am going to order the amp and possibly the pre-amp in the morning. The source is a MacBook Air and a Peachtree Dac-it. I also have a NAD C516BEE CD player. I assume those will be my next upgrades. My interconnects are Audioquest.
Would the Parasound Zpre3 Compact Stereo Preamplifier be horrible choice? or should I stay simple as possible? (Schiit)
If you have any suggestions in regards to pre-amps please let me know.
Thanks again!
Would the Parasound Zpre3 Compact Stereo Preamplifier be horrible choice? or should I stay simple as possible? (Schiit)
If you have any suggestions in regards to pre-amps please let me know.
Thanks again!