Best SS amp choice for Zu Omen

I am considering 3 inexpensive amps to drive my recently obtained Zu Omens. My NAD c326Bee is a little warm for my taste and have decided use it for a second system in my bedroom. These 3 amps I can get between $600-$800 Musical Fidelity m2si, Music Hall a70.2, or a Naim Nait 5si. In the near future I am definitely wanting tubes, but I need a little time to study up on the matter.
Interested in buying a power cable for the Nuforce STA200. I have $25.00 credit at Crutchfield, is the AudioQuest power cable NRG-1 any good? Signal Cable?
The AQ NRG-1 has a C7 connector, not the IEC connector. Signal Cable is a good bet, but, there are so many. Silnote has the Poseidon GL Reference Power Cable at 75 % off, and works well with the amp. Comes in various lengths, longer = higher price. If you post this on the Cable thread, you will get many more recommendations from the A’gon community on this subject. Keep in mind, there are many discussions already on power cords, so you might just want to read through some of them. Enjoy ! MrD.
I saw your other post on pre amps. Some advice : Just slow down, listen, and take your time. Once the power cord breaks in, as the amp still is, determine, with the recordings you enjoy most, what are the attributes and deficiencies you are noticing, and give YOUR ears the benefit of time, patience, and try and enjoy. I will help and guide you in the process. I appreciate the fact that you went with my recommendations so far. But, you need to give you, and your ears, the trust in listening, and determine what it is  " you " like. I hope this makes some sense. Till next time. Enjoy ! MrD.
Mr. D. I appreciate the advice. I'm trying to create a second system upstairs, using my Epos Epic 2 speakers and my NAD C326Bee and my NAD C516BEE CD player; but you are right it doesn't have to be done yesterday!
FYI: My pieces that I am looking to upgrade/replace are: 
Preamp section of my NAD
Peachtree Dac-it
2nd CD player
upgrade of interconnects and power cords
I also plan to update my ZU drivers
That is what is on the planning board.