Best used CD player around $1500?

Naim CD5x and Ayre CX-7e? Others? Will use for classical music, Levinson 27.5 amp, Counterpoint Solid 8 preamp.
I love my Audio Aero Prima Reference. Picked one up on Agon for $1600. Make sure it is the latest model.
Agree with Undertow, play with some tubes and it sounds wonderfull.

Good luck.
I think the Marantz SA11S1 is a solid performer and can be had for around the $1600 mark now.
I'm first very happy with my Sony SCD777ES - and just try to feed it to Bel Canto DAC2. Sound is much better than build-in DAC.
I also try to feed DAC2 with my stock Denon DVD3910 - excellent soundstage and great sounding overall.
So if you don't mind extra spot on your audio rack + a digital cable - This is the best way IMHO