Best used class A amp with Wadia 860x

Just purchased my first High end CD Player, a used (4 month old) Wadia 860x and now i need recommendations for an amp that will do it justice. I'm not sure if i should be looking for a Class "A" amp or other ?? My speakers are B&W N803's and I'm looking to connect the Wadia direct to the amp. I've been thinking that I should be looking for a used Mark Levinson, Plinius, Jeff Rowland or Pass Labs X Series. Any suggestions including model #'s would be very helpful. Thank's in advance, Jerry
I have not had the opportunity to listen to the Rowland amps but I have the Mark Levinson, Plinius, and Pass Labs X350. I also have B&W speakers - the Nautilus 802. The Pass Labs X350 is not a good match with B&W speakers - too bright sounding. The Plinius SA 100 MKIII, which a friend owns, would be a better choice - wide soundstage and good sounding overall but a little weak on bass and somewhat laid back. The best choice would be the newer series Mark Levinsons. They are superb amps with B&W speakers. Initially I purchased the 334 (100 watts) then the 335 (250 watts) because I thought I needed more power. Turns out I didn't. The 334 had plenty of power for my 802's so they should also be sufficient with your 803's. Stick to the 334 and save some money. The Levinsons are rich sounding, resolving and dynamic without a trace of grain or harshness. They are the best match I've been able to find with my B&W's. Good luck Jerry.
I have an 860x driving Pass Labs Aleph 2 monos with excellent results. The speakers are Dunlavy 4s. Not a trace of brightness or midrange glare. If you really want to hear your 860, put a Powersnakes King Cobra on it, you won't be sorry
Accuphase amp will not drive well Eidelon,besides they are way overpriced in US. A50V costs in Japan $ 9000 and used they go for 5K . I 'd recommend Jeff Rowland 8Ti with Avalons.. Good luck Tommy