Best Vibraplane Compressor Substitute?

Just bought a 20 x 24" Vibraplane to use under my TT, and am very excited.

It comes without a compressor and I wonder if there's any reason to spend a lot of money, just for 'hot air'? (couldn't resist)

Really, is there any justificaton for an expensive compressor? The bladders on the item are purported to be sound, and if they're not I will replace them myself. The compressor will only come on as needed: I can 'top off' the machine before listening and disconnect it. The VP is not going to need air during a two or three hour session, certainly.

My thought is to buy a relatively inexpensive unit, and proceed as above.

I would appreciate your suggestions, and thank you in advance for sharing your experience.


I read somewhere that a Vibraplane owner was using a tank of compressed air to keep his active unit happy. Thus no need for a potentially noisy and much more expensive compressor. Except you have to keep an eye out to be sure the tank does not empty.
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Emb, as Sntax stated I've too heard from others the Symposium Ultra is good but not even in the same world as a Vibraplane. Bass via a Vibraplane is tight and controlled and more important very natural sounding.