Best way to spend my income tax refund

Ok guys, I'm jumping the gun and already pondering the best way to spend my income tax refund. I'm considering 2 totally different options and want to put them up for your opinion.

1. Upgrade McCormack DNA 1 Deluxe to Rev A. I really like this amp and I'm curious to see how far the mods take it. Seems like the general opinion is favorable with this upgrade. How does it compare to a totally different ~$2k (sale of amp plus cost of upgrade) new/used amp?

2. VPI Aries Scout. I admit I'm a digital guy with hundreds of CDs and not a single record. However hearing this turntable made an impression. Was it the Hovland Saphire/Audio Research (SS model not sure which)/Maggie 3.6Qr system that made it sound this good? Would my Musical Fidelity A3cr phono stage do it justice?

Current system, ARC CD1, Musical Fidelity A3cr, McCormack DNA 1 Deluxe, Von Schweikert VR2s, RGPC 400s.

1. Are you married? With Kids? Then spend it to your family.

2. At school? Tuition fees my friend, tuition fees!

3. Renting? Save for downpayment for a house.

If any of the three mentioned above does not apply to you,
then go ahead. Blow it on analog!!! The Scout is a very good table. Might want to look at Teres tables as well, they on the otherhand are "lifer" system additions. 2 cents....
You will never regret going to the REV A, infact, spring for the extra $ and get the soft recovery diode bridge as well. IMO.
Never spend more than half of your refund. You can keep it all for a year and then use half of next year's refund to complete the upgrade.

If you use this strategy and continue to do this regardless of your other savings/investment plans, you will be shocked at how much you will have, and by spending half you will still be able to play with your refund.

Trust me.