best WOOFER ???

pretty straight forward.

I've got to say one of the best I heard is the tannoy
10" RED.

Goes deeper than any other Tannoy, and seperates its self
from others by the hit/kick of bass drum with power at low

other great stereo woofers, volt 15", cabasse 21", focal audium 13". etc, ???
What is best? The performance of a driver has so much to do with the cabinet and environment. That being said we did a 2 channel design for a client that installed two 18" infinite baffle subs in his room to augment his monitors. Pretty amazing realistic low level detail at the bottom end.
I am Waiting for the jl Audio owners to kick in, then again they probably are too busy trying to off load 'em,lol.

Johnk- a 31" cone?!. Wow................
Check out This company has patents pending on a new driver technology. I think this might be one to watch.