Hello jmarshak,
The truth is that a single sub, no matter the quality, size or price, is not going to perform as well as two good quality subs in any given system and room. You'll achieve better in-room bass response using two good quality smaller subs. The bass will sound smoother, more detailed and more dynamic because there are two subs sharing the bass duties and not just a single sub being required to produce it all and possibly being overdriven and stressed. I'd suggest you consider using two of these will provide better bass response and integrate more smoothly with your main speakers:
For even smoother, more detailed and more dynamic bass response, arranging three of these in a distributed bass array (DBA) system would provide outstanding bass response. The DBA concept is a proven method developed by acoustical experts, Dr. Earl Geddes and Floyd Toole, to achieve near state of the art bass response in virtually any room and integrate seamlessly with virtually any pair of main speakers, even fast planar-dynamic and electrostatic speakers.
I use a 4-sub DBA system in my room with outstanding results. I use the Audio Kinesis Swarm system that consists of 4 relatively small passive subs (unamplified 1'widex1'deepx24"tall subs with a 10" aluminum long-throw driver in each) powered by an included 1,000 watt class AB amp/control unit that sells for $2,800. Here's an Absolute Sound review of the Swarm system for more details: