Amazing speakers! I have, however, encountered older Beveridge speakers with deteriorated panels so be very careful if you're shopping for a used pair. I think you can obtain new panels from Harold Beveridge's son but the cost might be staggering. Nothing creates a sound field comparable to the Beveridge.
Sound Labs would be my pick among the other ESLs but be aware that most require a very robust amp. The Innersound is good but my understanding is that venture capital squeezed out the the founder/designer so that would make me cautious. Aside from Quads all the rest have issues I would just as soon avoid.
Sound Labs would be my pick among the other ESLs but be aware that most require a very robust amp. The Innersound is good but my understanding is that venture capital squeezed out the the founder/designer so that would make me cautious. Aside from Quads all the rest have issues I would just as soon avoid.