Does anyone here have thoughts on cable cookers to expedite the process of burn in?
Different cables bring different qualities and our subjective interpretations are varied as are the systems and environment the cables are placed. Cables like any gear may be of benefit or not. This does not mean any one of us is right or wrong, the cable design is either a good fit or not.
Like finding a mate, some cables may be more popular but that one-off may be the best fit of all.
I found positive results with ZL Technology and am approaching a replacement loom. They are based out of Korea and designed by Kang Su Park of Allnic Audio.
I was loaned one power cable and grew from there.
Different cables bring different qualities and our subjective interpretations are varied as are the systems and environment the cables are placed. Cables like any gear may be of benefit or not. This does not mean any one of us is right or wrong, the cable design is either a good fit or not.
Like finding a mate, some cables may be more popular but that one-off may be the best fit of all.
I found positive results with ZL Technology and am approaching a replacement loom. They are based out of Korea and designed by Kang Su Park of Allnic Audio.
I was loaned one power cable and grew from there.