"Beware the audio guru"
“If you meet the Buddha, kill him.”– Linji
The explanation:
I’m sure you already realize that it’s not being literal. The road, the killing, and even the Buddha are symbolic.
The road is generally taken to mean the path to Enlightenment; that might be through meditation, study, prayer, or just some aspect of your way of life. Your life is your road. That’s fairly straightforward as far as metaphors go.
But how do you meet the Buddha on this “road?” Imagine meeting some symbolic Buddha. Would he be a great teacher that you might actually meet and follow in the real world? Could that Buddha be you yourself, having reached Enlightenment? Or maybe you have some idealized image of perfection that equates to your concept of the Buddha or Enlightenment.
Whatever your conception is of the Buddha, it’s WRONG! Now kill that image and keep practicing. This all has to do with the idea that reality is an impermanent illusion. If you believe that you have a correct image of what it means to be Enlightened, then you need to throw out (kill) that image and keep meditating.
Most people have heard the first chapter of the Tao, “The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao.” (So if you think you see the real Tao, kill it and move on).
Audio is the same. It’s a journey, a moment of now, in constant motion and change. Finality is not a real or functional thing. It does not exist. Finality is a dead thing. This is about life, which is change.
For me, my music tastes are always changing, I don’t suckle on the comfort music of old, as that’s when we get into that whole dead thing area...
numbers... as a thing that is seeked out to create concrete permanence... is no less the same. Engineers are trained to live and exist by these biblical aspects.
A scientist, a real one, a theoretician, is designed or wired to understand that all is theory and no facts really exist. If they did it any other way, the future you understand as the now, would never have happened.
Beware the fact. Beware positions. Beware polarization. Beware sides. Beware statements. Most of all, beware the monkey in your mind, which seeks out the comfort of knowing and facts, in order to be and feel safe. That safety/fear filter underlies and controls and colors every single thought, view, and breath you may take.