After reading several posts on this subject I've concluded that those people who believe that 16 bit/44.1kHz digital can be made (via HDCD, XRCD, Superbit, re/up/oversampling or other technologies) better sounding than hi rez digital (24 bit/88.2kHz or greater) are deluded themselves. This does not mean that everybody should go out a replace their redbook CD players. If you have a large collection of existing CDs it may make perfect sense to continue to optimize your redbook playback equipment. However, if you're interested in the absolute best in digital audio reproduction you will eventually have to migrate to a hi-rez format. These formats simply sound better than the redbook standard. We can only hope the record companies do their part by offering a vast and interesting music choices in these newer formats.
Cwlondon, before I can even attempt a direct response to your question, please state why you can't currently enjoy music.
Cwlondon, before I can even attempt a direct response to your question, please state why you can't currently enjoy music.