Bi-amp with Bel Canto monos

I have never heard Class D so I bought a pair of Bel Canto Ref 1000 mono amps to use with my Eggleston Savoy speakers since I need more power than my Classe CAM 350 mono amps can deliver. It will give me a chance to see if I like class D. I talked with PJ at Bel Canto and he is recommending I bi-amp the speakers with 1000M on the bottom and 500M for mid range and upper end. The 500M seems to have a more liquid mid range and better top end than the 1000Ms. Do you think this would be a good combination?
I have always heard you should run the same amps if you are bi-amping. I was surprised when they recommended 2 different amps. Maybe I should buy 2 pairs of 500M amps. I just don’t know if the 500Ms will be big enough for the Eggleston Savoy speaker bass section. It may be a safer bet.
You should run the same amps if you are bi-amping a commercial speaker with a passive x-over. Speakers that were designed as active can take advantage of different amplifiers and their characteristics. For example use a nice single ended amp on the mids and highs and a larger push pull or solid state amp for the midbass and bass.

Don’t be surprise what people recommend when they are trying to get your money!

You are better off trying the Ref 1000 thank 2 pair of 500M. Notice I said try and not buy.