bi amping question

I have an Audio Research LS7 preamp and want to run two amps to bi amp a pair of speekers. The pre has only one pair of outputs for a power amp, can I use a y conector and feed two amps ?

What 6SN7's are you employing in your amps, and what type of sound do you enjoy(clean, detailed, dynamic or warm, tubey, relaxed, etc)?
Fordmod, try the y cable out. I have had good success with one at each amp. Till funds allow, then I'll go with the active crossover and additional cables.

If you need an xlr y cable that you just want to try out, check out Guitar Center.
Thanks for all the ifo everyone.

I have not rolled any thru these but am trying to learn more and start experimenting, as the oe tubes are getting old. I have had these since new around 1996 I think. I would welcome recomendation!
Mr F- That's why I asked what sound appeals to you more: There are some NOS 6SN7/VT-231's that offer a very lucid/dynamic(transparent/accurate) presentaton, and then some that are somewhat warmer and relaxed(euphonic). It could save you some $$ to try the tubes that fit your preferences early in the game.
I am open for learning here, I like musical, close to live music as possible. I like detail but not a the expense of musicality.... is that what people call warm? I dont really get all the nomenclature.

Clueless in tube land