Bi-wire Cable Choices?...

Anybody have strong feelings for or preferences toward one of the following bi-wire speaker cables?

*TARA LABS RSC Prime Bi-wire
*DH LABS Q-10 Bi-wire
*Signal Cable Internal Bi-wire

They will connect a Roksan Caspian Integrated Amp to Epos M-12 speakers. My current wire is Kimber 4 PR singles. The sound is good yet seems a tad lean and small(?). Will bi-wire necessarily fill out the sound? Deeper? Fuller? I'm looking at keeping the cost under $200 for 6-8ft. Thanks mucho, Jerry
Tvad, that's interesting. The local dealer is touting the Audioquest CV-6. Those would be about 400 bucks. How much are the MAS Signature Hybrid speaker cables? Do you know anything about the CV-6?

Also, (if you have the time and patience) can you educate me a little on biwiring? Specifically, am I really gaining anything by having only two connections to the wire at the amp and then branching into four to "biwire" at the speaker end? The amp is the ST 140 and has only a single + and - post for each channel. It does NOT have 4 posts per side, so I'm NOT "bi-amping".

In this setting, is this "bi-wiring" just some sham, or is there really some benefit beyond a "regular" cable run? Thanks for the help.
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It's about 10 feet or so. I have these with two leads at the amplifier end and four leads at each speaker end. I'm so ignorant about this issue that I don't even know whether such a configuration constitutes "bi-wiring" or not.
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Thank you. I've read another post asserting that there's no benefit to bi-wiring as described above because the separated leads bridge back together at the speakers' binding posts if those posts are mounted on a metal plate. Supposedly, the biwiring benefit accrues only when accompanied by bi-amping and an external crossover. I obviously do not know, but have absolutely no intention whatsoever of doing any sort of rigorous empiric testing. No way. Thanks again for the information.