Biggest hype-worst tweak

I was wondering what everybody had found to be the biggest waste of time regarding tweaks-I've tried most-largely with satisfying results.The worst one for me was a Statmat (this months Hi-fi Choice has Jimmy Hughes still raving about the thing!)-a polythene floppy mat for sitting on top of your CD's-with weird markings-supposed to disperse static and make motherships land in your garden or something... Pure nonsense-had me pulling my hair out as it stuck in the tray constantly and my face twisted at the strain of trying to hear something/ my girlfriend laughed as she picked the thing up-you need help she remarked-I sent it back...and yet I fear I might have missed something Ben
Is the Auric Illuminator a good tweak?? Is it legit?? What exactly it it?? Where can you purchase it?? Also...can anyone suggest a reasonable method of cleaning CD's?? I recently purchased a new CD player...and have noticed that it reads "DISC FLAW" on many of my discs (and some that appear spotless) On many of these I simply run a dry cloth rag over them....and the CD player accepts!! Quite strange. Thanks in advance for the much needed information. Jason
I know some people swear by it, but I found the Bedini Ultra Clarifier to make absolutly NO sonic improvement. It's built cheesy & on winter days when there is a lot of static any small shock would set the damn thing off spinning on it's own. I cound't wait to get rid of it. Also isolation pucks look nice, but don't do much for anything but transports.
right the bedini is useless- get a RADIO SHACK BULK TAPE ERASER- It's amazing that it works so well on CD's - try EBAY or maybe here - new they cost $24-36 - used alot less.
Well, I feel a bit strange mentioning this one. It has to do with putting crumpled aluminum foil in the corners of my living (listening) room. The purpose of this is to protect myself from unfriendly aliens and to sharpen high frequency focus. ;) hahahahahaha
Hey SanFranBayDude, don't laugh. If you cut the foil into triangles like the Room Tune products and Back them with fiberglass insulation you will notice an incredible difference. However, I still have nor conjured up any Aliens- too bad!