binding post break in

yesterday I replaced my binding posts on my rogue audio m150 monos with the highly regarded wbt nextgen copper binding posts and yes there was more detail,but it was also thin and not as harmonic and rich, and not as open sounding as before. I have been listening to the wonderfull sounding kenny burrell guitar forms latey and have really liked how it sounded on my system,but after I put in the wbts his guitar sounded strummy and hooded , the higher strings sounded thinner and the middle and lower strings sounded sucked out . well crap. is this another case of [ it needs 256 and a half hours of break in and then it will sound great!] or what? has anybody out there had any experience with these binding posts ? I am very good at soldering so i dont think that a bad joint is the reason I am hearing what I do, any ideas ? is there a richer sounding binding post with some body and still very good low level detail ? or will they really change that much with some break in ? thanks , chris
Chrissain...You can't expect el-cheapo $55 binding posts to sound good. I can supply you with $100 binding posts that will blow you away. ($150 for cryo-treated).
Can the WBT's act as a resistor?? The description of the audio reproduction is consistent with a change in resistor value. The solution is to go back to the original binding posts if you can. Or at least replace the WBT's with something close to what you were using.
If you're hearing differences as a result of a binding post change, I don't think it's a burn-in issue. I would think it's a more like a cable/interconnect change issue. So, for example, people swap a copper interconnect for a silver one, or a solid wire for a multi-stranded one and hear differences. It would seem that the different binding post itself is the cause of the difference, not whether it's burned in or not. Not unlike changing connectors. Using minimum metal connectors like WBT NexGen or Eichmann's makes a difference to many people. So why wouldn't alternative binding post construction? It's a connection interface the same as a cable connector.

If you don't like how they sound, change them back.