Blu Ray from the HTPC

Just curious as to who has jumped on board with the Blu Ray CD ROM drives. Just started using mine today. The picture quality is terrific! If your PC video card is HDCP compatible ..this could be the cheapest way to get into Blu Ray with very little cost. $150 and your ready to watch true Hi Def!
PatrickP I didn't get to meet her unfortunately. I would have like too though. ;-)
It was my cousin's girlfriend(the lead singer of a local band) S.T. actually requested to be her back up singer for some of her new tracks. She basically came into town secretly and slipped out a few days later.

They couldn't get the tracks completed here because of recording equipment issues. So everyone went to a studio in Augusta, Georgia to finish up.

I agree she's a beautiful lady. Last I heard she was single again! ;-)
I want to think you gentlemen for the inputs here. I had just purchased a Dell XPS 410 and was looking to turn it into a HTPC when I found this thread. Any way I've added the LG with Blu-Ray and Hd-DVD ROM along with the Sapphire HD4850 1G and MSI Theater Pro 650 and everything is working perfectly. I love the picture I'm getting with this, I knew the Dell 2407 had a nice picture but WOW. Has anyone tried the room correction feature available with Windows Vista? I'm currently using the on board sound card connected to two McCormack MLD for volume control and three Micro Power Drives driving NHT Super Zero's and SW2 Sub in a small computer room. Anybody know when the Asus Xonar HDMA 1.3 Deluxe will be releasing here in the USA? I figure with its upgradable op-amp I should have a great almost all in one system.
Sweeet Ig316b,

Nicely thought out system you have there. I was reading a review of this card recently ASUS Xonar HDAV 1.3 Deluxe review. That is one action packed card!!

I can't wait for it to be released here in the states! This could be my Christmas present to myself! lol
Looks like they used a lot of high quality parts in the card. I would like to see how this thing sounds skipping a preamp or processor and going straight to amplifiers.

My guess is it won't sound too shabby. Price wise it doesn't seem all that expensive when you subtract a preamp/prepro and a Dac from the equation.

I'm thinking seriously about building a home theater room around something like this. Add a in ceiling LCD projector and a 100 inch screen with 7.1 speakers and amplifiers to drive them..I would be in hog heaven! ;-)
Gmood1 Thank you for the comments,

One of the reasons I went with the McCormack Mico Line Drive is because it's a passive preamp and I wasn't sure how Microsoft implemented their volume control, didn't know if they reduced bits to lower the volume if you know what I mean. Anyway this started out as a two channel system which I use a Micro Integrated Drive to power the NHT Super Zero's for the computer sound and my Grado RS-1 headphones. Then I came across a Micro Line Drive and a Power Drive and everything just started to evolve from there. I was thinking of using one of the small Denon receiver's with the Audyssey room correction when I found this thread and I'm starting to change my mind. I like the thought of being able to upgrade the op-amps to improve the sound. Plus if I wanted to use the Denon that decodes the new surround formats I would need the Asus card anyway for the HDMA 1.3 transfer. Well I have a couple months to work this idea up.

What software are you using to play your Blu-Ray's with I'm on the fence about which to use Power DVD Ultra or wait for the one that comes with the Asus I think is ArcSoft?

And yes this might well wind up in my listening/living room if it all pans out the way I'm visioning in my head but I'll have to get it right here in my computer/toy room first. I'm currently on the fence also as to wheather to go with a projection system or a large flat screen, still researching. Any inputs.
