Blu Ray from the HTPC

Just curious as to who has jumped on board with the Blu Ray CD ROM drives. Just started using mine today. The picture quality is terrific! If your PC video card is HDCP compatible ..this could be the cheapest way to get into Blu Ray with very little cost. $150 and your ready to watch true Hi Def!
Gmood1 Thank you for the comments,

One of the reasons I went with the McCormack Mico Line Drive is because it's a passive preamp and I wasn't sure how Microsoft implemented their volume control, didn't know if they reduced bits to lower the volume if you know what I mean. Anyway this started out as a two channel system which I use a Micro Integrated Drive to power the NHT Super Zero's for the computer sound and my Grado RS-1 headphones. Then I came across a Micro Line Drive and a Power Drive and everything just started to evolve from there. I was thinking of using one of the small Denon receiver's with the Audyssey room correction when I found this thread and I'm starting to change my mind. I like the thought of being able to upgrade the op-amps to improve the sound. Plus if I wanted to use the Denon that decodes the new surround formats I would need the Asus card anyway for the HDMA 1.3 transfer. Well I have a couple months to work this idea up.

What software are you using to play your Blu-Ray's with I'm on the fence about which to use Power DVD Ultra or wait for the one that comes with the Asus I think is ArcSoft?

And yes this might well wind up in my listening/living room if it all pans out the way I'm visioning in my head but I'll have to get it right here in my computer/toy room first. I'm currently on the fence also as to wheather to go with a projection system or a large flat screen, still researching. Any inputs.

Robert at the moment I use PowerDVD BD software. It works pretty well.I plan to try the Arcsoft again when I buy this new card and see how it pans out.I tried the trial version. It has more features than my PowerDVD software, that I do know.

For everyday use I would use a large LCD flat panel. The projector in my case...would mainly be for movies and sports viewing.The bulb life just isn't long enough for me to use on a daily basis.
What are you guy's using for monitor's? Fry's has one(I think it's a Dell)that display's at 1600p! and can accomodate six individual sources. The screen is 30".
I use a 52" Sharp Aquos as my monitor. I'm running my video card at 1920 X 1080.
When I saw the Dell, I had a vision of a mini HT system consisting of an Xbox 360, PS3 and an LG BD recorder/HD-DVD/DVD/CD drive.
I may get a Samsung 32" for viewing.