Gmood1 Thank you for the comments,
One of the reasons I went with the McCormack Mico Line Drive is because it's a passive preamp and I wasn't sure how Microsoft implemented their volume control, didn't know if they reduced bits to lower the volume if you know what I mean. Anyway this started out as a two channel system which I use a Micro Integrated Drive to power the NHT Super Zero's for the computer sound and my Grado RS-1 headphones. Then I came across a Micro Line Drive and a Power Drive and everything just started to evolve from there. I was thinking of using one of the small Denon receiver's with the Audyssey room correction when I found this thread and I'm starting to change my mind. I like the thought of being able to upgrade the op-amps to improve the sound. Plus if I wanted to use the Denon that decodes the new surround formats I would need the Asus card anyway for the HDMA 1.3 transfer. Well I have a couple months to work this idea up.
What software are you using to play your Blu-Ray's with I'm on the fence about which to use Power DVD Ultra or wait for the one that comes with the Asus I think is ArcSoft?
And yes this might well wind up in my listening/living room if it all pans out the way I'm visioning in my head but I'll have to get it right here in my computer/toy room first. I'm currently on the fence also as to wheather to go with a projection system or a large flat screen, still researching. Any inputs.
One of the reasons I went with the McCormack Mico Line Drive is because it's a passive preamp and I wasn't sure how Microsoft implemented their volume control, didn't know if they reduced bits to lower the volume if you know what I mean. Anyway this started out as a two channel system which I use a Micro Integrated Drive to power the NHT Super Zero's for the computer sound and my Grado RS-1 headphones. Then I came across a Micro Line Drive and a Power Drive and everything just started to evolve from there. I was thinking of using one of the small Denon receiver's with the Audyssey room correction when I found this thread and I'm starting to change my mind. I like the thought of being able to upgrade the op-amps to improve the sound. Plus if I wanted to use the Denon that decodes the new surround formats I would need the Asus card anyway for the HDMA 1.3 transfer. Well I have a couple months to work this idea up.
What software are you using to play your Blu-Ray's with I'm on the fence about which to use Power DVD Ultra or wait for the one that comes with the Asus I think is ArcSoft?
And yes this might well wind up in my listening/living room if it all pans out the way I'm visioning in my head but I'll have to get it right here in my computer/toy room first. I'm currently on the fence also as to wheather to go with a projection system or a large flat screen, still researching. Any inputs.