Blu Ray from the HTPC

Just curious as to who has jumped on board with the Blu Ray CD ROM drives. Just started using mine today. The picture quality is terrific! If your PC video card is HDCP compatible ..this could be the cheapest way to get into Blu Ray with very little cost. $150 and your ready to watch true Hi Def!
Gentlemen sorry for the late reply been pretty busy. If everything works with the Asus card my plans are to move up to a Dell 420 with the cable cards installed and convert it to my HTPC and run my living with it.

Sounds like we are on the same wave length with the projection system. My thoughts are to hide the flat screen in the wall and have a movable picture to cover it up, then have the large screen descend from the ceiling or something along that line.

I use a Dell 2407 and it works good for my small computer room. I would recommend at least a 30" monitor if your doing a small home theater with blu-ray. As much as I love all the real estate on my 24" monitor when using it as a computer monitor it gets small when watching blu-ray disks. Plus if I'm not mistaken the 30" Dell comes with two DVI connection points (not you will need to check).
Robert we're thinking a like my friend. I thought of mounting a in ceiling motorized screen. Have it to descend when I want to watch a movie. When it descends, it will come down in front of my flat panel. I'm still trying to figure out the most cost effective way to do it.

I've seen several homes setup in similar ways. I've also seen one fellow that had his flat panel hidden behind a picture that raises through a motorized system to reveal the TV..pretty cool in deed!

My Dell 20" wide screen monitor has one DVI and one HDMI connection.
There is a thread over on AVS Forum about the Asus Xonar HDAV 1.3 Deluxe

Lots of good information coming out on it.
Thanks Robert for the link! I've been salivating over this card! I'm so looking forward to its U.S. debut. Looks like there's a another HT card Auzen X-Fi HomeTheater 7.1 HDMI sound card on the block.
Your welcome, and yes I almost bought that one from Newegg. The only thing that stopped me was finding this thread and reading about the Asus card. Lots of good reviews on Newegg about the Auzen, the only bad thing is it dosen't decode Dolby True Hd and DTS Master Audio, that's one of the reasons I'm waiting for the Asus. I see Asus is finally putting the Deluxe up on their web site. Hope its not too much longer before this comes out.

I see from a earlier post your from down in Georgia? I'm from down around those parts myself. Morrow, Ga to be exact, just outside of Atlanta. Living in New Jersey right now though.