I've been streaming since around 2010 and when HiRez became available I started trials of all 3 services offering it. I thought Quboz sounded best but at that time they had an inexplicable limit on playlist size of 100 songs and that was a deal breaker for me. I thought AMHD sounded better than Tidal so I went with it.
More recently, partly prompted by you (and Quboz changing that playlist restriction), I did another Q and A comparison. I thought AMHD was more transparent on the high end but it was very close.
When this BluOs issue surfaced, I switched over and did notice it was easier to get lost in the music with Quboz. The slight reduction in sparkle was actually quite nice on vocals, making for a smoother if less crystalline sound.
While price was never an issue, I appreciate AMHD for the competition and I'll probably stay with Quboz. Since I access them through BluOs the interface is very similar.