Bob Dylan: What do you folks thing about this?

I'm stumped by this one:
Thanks for the insights on Dylan. That's more of what I was looking for. As the person starting the thread, I felt somehow inclusive in reading Mt10425's response. My apologies for the misunderstanding and unwarranted negativism.
It's amazing that we as fans feel we have the right to dictate what an artist deems fit to do with his musical output. I hate hearing Led Zep for Cadillac or The Who for Hummer, but everyone's got a right to eat and if I were an artist and Microsoft wanted to hand me a check for a million bucks to use 20 seconds of a song I wrote 30 years ago I wouldn't give a rat's ass if someone thought I was a sellout. Let them give me a check for a million bucks to keep my music out of commercials, otherwise : Shut up! Personally, I'd rather hear Dylan in his prime on some TV commercial than see him live now. This is even more true of The Olding Stones.
Bob's just trying to have some fun, and believe it or not, he's also trying to figure out this existence and where he fits within it just like we are.
Bob has always had a thing for the ladies as well as a strong desire to make a buck or two, at least according to one of his biographies. More power to him if he can combine the two at his age.
Doesn't bother me one iota. He has a sense of humor and I'm glad to see it expressed here. And the fact that he always keeps his concert tickets priced so that the common person can afford to see him (usually, under $50... and I paid as little as $40 last year), means that he's not out to grab a load of cash like The Eagles, Stones, Paul Simon, et al.

He also donates royalties from "Shelter From the Storm" to the World Wildlife Fund.