I find so many similarities in this thread about my room and system I felt compelled to jump in.
I am moving up a level in my current apt building and am using the bay windowed living room as my listening room. Dims are smaller at 13.5'W x 15.5'L x 9.5'H and will similarly set up speakers in the bay and fire back to a listening position. One concern is setting rear firing ports too close to the short wall of the bay. I'm hoping the total depth of 4' will help with boom boom.
In 2019 I bought new Evoke 20's to replace 20 year old Wharfedale floor standers (maybe ~1500 for the pair back then) due to their failing iron on plastic finish, although they still sounded great, just couldn't look at them any more. The new speakers were fun but no grunt to them. Someone suggested I buy a sub and I stared back correlating a car driving by with bass so loud the screws for the rear quarter panels were backing out. I told this person I was not big on subs.
Off to the local HiFi store after seeing an ad for a pair of floor model Elac Adante AF61's at a deep discount (love sales slogans). Bargain shopping at its best and purchased on the spot. The grunt was back! Happy right? Well hold on.
COVID hits and I am sent home to start working remotely. No! I'm an outdoor dog and don't like being indoor all day for what turned out to be months. Ahh, there is an upside, online shopping and I need new gear for the speakers. Buy! Buy! Buy! Oh Boy!
Then I found this site and dug in reading all about HiFi. Out of that I learned subs aren't so bad and bought a Dyn Sub 3 to fill in the lows. Better if I buy 2 or more was the insight picked up here. Buy!
An Andrew Jones interview I heard back then said this about DSP. I paraphrase, "The best DSP is another pair of speakers". I connected mono blocks to the Elac's and sent a RCA pair to an old amp not being used to connected the Evoke 20's and another set of RCA's to the subs and I'm in 6 speaker stereo bliss. Seriously try it. My friend sat in my listening chair and teared up. I have a well treated room because, why not? You can learn a lot here.
Now I'm selling the Elac Floor standers because out of this craziness I've learned subs are good in pairs and the Evoke 20 and Dyn sub 3 is after all where I should have stopped. Although I did sign up for an invite only we are selling floor stock at 70% off this Friday. Looking for replacement monitors in the 10k range. I've been good and saving money since last year at this time.
I do this for the pleasure of listening to music.