Bookshelf speakers on a budget

Hi, I'm looking for suggestions for a decent pair of bookshelf speakers. However I'm on a budget in the $400-$500 range; I know this is a low dollar amount but it's all I can afford right now. If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate them.

Right now I'm using a Jolida FX-10 that my friend is letting me borrow.
IMO, not enough power for either the Dali's or the Elac's.  If your are strongly considering buying this amp from your friend, then start looking at easier to drive speakers that have an impedance of 8 Ohms or greater and sensitivity ratings in the mid 90's.

I'm looking to put the speakers on a credenza so they will be about 1'6'' away from the wall, will this be enough space?
Wow, that is one deep credenza.  Since the speakers are 8.6" to 9.9" deep plus the 18" you site, the credenza must be at least 27-28" deep!  Are you sure?  Remember, its the rear ports that must be at least 18" from the back wall for proper bass response.

I really think your looking at the wrong speakers for your amp.  This is a classic case of why speakers should always be the first component you should buy.  And then the amp to properly drive them.  Right now your severly limited by your low wattage tube amp. 

Not enough power is CRAP!I'm driving Dali Zensor 1's with 10wpc.Se Class A EL34 integrated in a 12'x14' apartment living room & it's plenty loud!
This is a classic case of why speakers should always be the first
component you should buy.
Well, I kind of am buying my speakers before my amp. The components I've purchased are the table and the pre-amp. Remember I haven't bought an amp yet. I'm going to buy some speakers, power it with my friends amp for the time being until I find a reasonably priced, decent amp to power the speakers. I'll probably end up getting speaker stands down the road. 

Which leads me to my next question. What is a reasonably priced amp to drive these speakers. I posted a link to an article with a few options. 

You all have to remember, I don't have the disposable income to go out and by speakers, stands, and an amp all at once (plus I need a new cartridge). This is why I'm piecing stuff together little by little.

I agree with Paraneer. It's not about loudness. A lot of speakers will operate with 10 watts and thrive- others will sound okay but not as good as they would with some headroom- in my opinion. Sounds like the Dali's are a good match for small tube amps- the Elacs may not be as an example.

Big picture, I think 10wpc will limit your speaker choices somewhat. 

I have small tube monoblocks that are 8-10 wpc. If they were my primary power, it would limit my personal speaker choices to speakers that would thrive on that power. I have an Anthem Inegrated that is 225 wpc. I don't think I 'need' that much power, but it does keep my Ushers on their toes, and does great with Silverline Minuets.

I once ran B&W 801's with a 40 wpc Luxman. It was okay but the bass responded well with 200 wpc - and some use much more with those speakers.
