Bookshelf Speakers Sitting On Dual Subs?

I have a couple excellent subs - Elac Adante 3070 - which have pretty effective DSP.  I'm thinking of buying the Dutch&Dutch 8c (also DSP).  The Elacs are rock solid.  I'm thinking about placing the 8c on IsoAcoustic stands on top of the Elacs so the 8c is even with the front of the Elacs and separated by the Iso stands: running the DSP for the subs and then the 8c.  Any real drawbacks to this set-up?

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Paul Mc Gowan sez dual subs at the main speakers is fine and preferred.

well then, it's settled... that's the end of discussion then, right?

oh wait, he sells megabuck speakers with giant sub bass modules mounted just below the mains... doh!!!! 🤣😁

important in life to know when someone telling you something is to help you, or...

Do you have any idea how many extra resonances you create in Speakers by wiggling them around on a sub? 
iso stands are rubber and springs and wiggling jiggle

Vibration is a killer of high sound quality.

I am not sure this is true. If you think about it, all towers, including the ultra expensive Wilsons, the Kef Blade etc have the woofers together with the rest of the drivers (albeit sometimes in separate chambers). In fact, the 8c themselves have built in subs in the same cabinets. In these systems, it’s almost impossible to isolate totally the low frequency drivers vibration from the mid-high drivers. 
Your second point however is absolutely correct: to optimize placement, the subs should not be in the same location as the monitors. 