...bookshelf speakers that sound good at low volume...

Hello to all...

Looking for new bookshelf speakers that sound good at low volume

CD-only listening; powering with 35w/8ohm Monoprice integrated, with silver interconnects; speaker cable home made twisted 14g solid core copper, bare wire connected to JBL L25 "PRIMA" Big 2-ways...

In approx. 14’ x14’ room in apt: multi use area - dining/kitchen/tv-gaming

If dedicated listening: approx 8’away (speaker cabinets 6’ center to center; speakers are not mirror-image const.)

Speakers sound great at medium+ volume - they really sing - but are really muddy and not detailed at low volume.

Options: replace integrated with vintage or new 50-75w/ch (with or without DAC) OR new or vintage bookshelf speakers... budget $500-$1000 max.

Located in Metro NYC area...

At present - I am gonna keep the JBLs: could their low volume presentation change with a better or higher wattage integrated?

I know I am casting a wide net here, not looking for " try it - see how it sounds": looking for experiences and opinions based on trial and errors of others willing to share.

Thanks in advance to all... Best Wishes - Be Well...
Another vote for Kef LS50. I’ve had a pair for five years and they continue to amaze me.
I dearly love my RBH SV-61 reference with the Arum Cantis tweeter and beryllium woofers. 
Another vote for the Ascend Acoustics Sierra 2, BUT their bottom end is anemic.  If you want a really full bottom end as well, try BMR Philharmonitors or ProAc Response 2.  Patience is required to find either in your budget, though, but it’s possible.