Hello esch1238,
I've only read the numerous very good reviews on the Magnepan LRS and haven't yet heard them in person. It seems like these would be incredible bargains at $650/pair, especially considering it's described as a full-range quasi-ribbon 2-way speaker.
I'm very curious how these speakers perform and sound in the mid-range, treble and sound staging aspects.
Esch1238, could you give us your impressions thus far of the sound in these areas with the LRS being driven by your Schiit Vidar monoblocks?
I'm also interested with how you have the LRS positioned in relation to your listening seat and the front wall behind them. Here are some questions I hope you don't mind answering:
How many feet apart are they?
How many feet away is your listening seat?
How many feet away from the front wall are they?
Do they sound very accurate, detailed and natural in the midrange and treble without any harshness or brightness?
Do you perceive their imaging and soundstage as wide and deep with 3D and palpable images? In other words, does it seem like the musicians are in your room or like you are at the venue?
Are you using subs to compensate for their limited bass?
The reason I'm so interested in the LRS is that I'm currently using a pair of older 2.7QR Magnepans. These 3-way planar-magnetic speakers still sound very good but I realize they're now over 30 years old. The 2.7 QR also have what's described as a quasi-ribbon treble section just like the LRS but I'm thinking, with the LRS utilizing the newest version of their quasi-ribbon, it likely outperforms their version from 30 yrs ago.
I believe my current monoblocks would be a good match for the LRS since they sound very natural and have plenty of power, 1,200 watts into 4 ohms, to drive them well just as they drive my fairly inefficient 2.7s very well. I'm also utilizing a 4-sub distributed bass array system that provides very powerful, smooth, fast, detailed, natural and well integrated bass with the very fast 2.7QRs that I believe would perform equally well with the very fast LRS.
So, my main concern is with your impressions of their midrange and treble performance. However, I believe the OP, areasonableman, and probably others reading this thread would appreciate a more thorough full-range description of your impressions about how well the combination of the Vidar amps and LRS speakers are performing.
I've only read the numerous very good reviews on the Magnepan LRS and haven't yet heard them in person. It seems like these would be incredible bargains at $650/pair, especially considering it's described as a full-range quasi-ribbon 2-way speaker.
I'm very curious how these speakers perform and sound in the mid-range, treble and sound staging aspects.
Esch1238, could you give us your impressions thus far of the sound in these areas with the LRS being driven by your Schiit Vidar monoblocks?
I'm also interested with how you have the LRS positioned in relation to your listening seat and the front wall behind them. Here are some questions I hope you don't mind answering:
How many feet apart are they?
How many feet away is your listening seat?
How many feet away from the front wall are they?
Do they sound very accurate, detailed and natural in the midrange and treble without any harshness or brightness?
Do you perceive their imaging and soundstage as wide and deep with 3D and palpable images? In other words, does it seem like the musicians are in your room or like you are at the venue?
Are you using subs to compensate for their limited bass?
The reason I'm so interested in the LRS is that I'm currently using a pair of older 2.7QR Magnepans. These 3-way planar-magnetic speakers still sound very good but I realize they're now over 30 years old. The 2.7 QR also have what's described as a quasi-ribbon treble section just like the LRS but I'm thinking, with the LRS utilizing the newest version of their quasi-ribbon, it likely outperforms their version from 30 yrs ago.
I believe my current monoblocks would be a good match for the LRS since they sound very natural and have plenty of power, 1,200 watts into 4 ohms, to drive them well just as they drive my fairly inefficient 2.7s very well. I'm also utilizing a 4-sub distributed bass array system that provides very powerful, smooth, fast, detailed, natural and well integrated bass with the very fast 2.7QRs that I believe would perform equally well with the very fast LRS.
So, my main concern is with your impressions of their midrange and treble performance. However, I believe the OP, areasonableman, and probably others reading this thread would appreciate a more thorough full-range description of your impressions about how well the combination of the Vidar amps and LRS speakers are performing.