Brand new VPI Prime 21 or used Clearaudio Innovation compact

Newbie to vinyl here but want to buy last or near last turntable first. Which would you experts prefer if you were in my shoes: brand new unit or used higher original priced unit?  My first cartridge would be in the 700 to 1000.00 range to test out.  Will upgrade to pricier ones in future. Look fwd to ur responses.

Will be running this through:
Audio Research PH7
Audio Research Ref 5SE
Pass Labs XA200 monoblocks


 I have a similar system, ARC Ref 5se, Ref Phono 2se and Ref 110 amp. My table is a ClearAudio Innovation compact wood with Universal Arm and Benz Zebra Wood cart. I love the Innovation compact. It is not fiddly like some tables and the Universal is a great arm. The platter floats on a magnetic bearing that helps isolate it from vibration.

I bought my table used as a newbie and have never felt the urge to upgrade. Though I have thought about adding a second arm. I did have a Fosgate Signature phono preamp when I started and later upgraded to the Ref Phono 2se. The Ref 5se and Ref Phono 2se is a killer combo.

The Innovation is a total eye catcher and real conversation starter at my home, for sure. Some girls I’ve had over really dig it and genuinely want to know more unprompted (it's good to avoid being the comic-book guy and bludgeoning them with unsolicited hobby minutiae). Then you can tell them about the "bullet proof" panzerholz wood, the magnetic bearing, etc. There’s a lot more to glaze their eyes over with than "uh, I guess the plinth is MDF wrapped in vinyl" ;)
I have had both VPI and Clearaudio tables. Presently have a VPI Classic Signature with 10" 3D arm. Absolutely NO problem with unipivot arm, especially if you add a dual pivot assembly. Great turntable and has many upgrades for arm, speed control, multiple belt drive, etc.
Thank you all for your comments. Mulveling, girls dig the Innovation??? Say no more! I went with the Innovation with Magnify tonearm. I am contemplating the Soundsmith zephyr mk3 and will visit a local dealer on Friday.  Im keeping my options open though so any comments appreciated. I have a wide variety of taste in music range from classical piano, violin, Norah Jones, Pink Floyd, Gypsy kings to country music. 

Lostbear: ill probably upgrade to ARC Ref Ph 3 down the road. We will see how much deeper i fall into this!

 The Innovation originally had a round belt, but I believe a few years ago ClearAudio changed to a flat belt. My Innovation Compact has the round belt. I asked my dealer if it was worth changing to the flat belt but he really didn't have an opinion. Do you have the flat belt and if so, do you think it is worth the effort. As I understand it, you have to replace the pulley as well as the belt.