Just taking my best system at the moment, and contrasting with the last configuration;
now before
cd player 34% 27%
speakers 24% 19%
ttbl/cartridge 16% 13%
preamp 13% 23%
amp 9% 15%
cables 4% 3%
Actual cost. The retail price of the cdp would make it an even larger percentage (I paid about 60% for a demo). Although my wants do take overall cost into account, I pay what I have to pay to get what I want. I went to a less expensive preamp and less expensive amp because I liked the cheaper ones just the same as the ones they replaced, but the current preamp is easier on tubes and the current amp takes up less room in the rack.
Except for the price of the cd player, the percentages correspond with where I place my priorities. It just so happened that I was never really satisfied with a cheaper cdp, though I think today I could probably find something cheap that would be fine. And, I would pay a lot more for speakers if I had to, and would own the speakers I have even if it meant I had to use a $200 minisystem to drive them. (I've tried that and it wasnt that bad.)