One Hebrew Word that has caused even more confusion and unnecessary levels of self loathing is their used word Sin or Sinner.
Khata is the original Hebrew Term for something that very loosely resembles the meaning typically used for Sin today.
Sin or Sinner, has its origins from the Middle East a few thousand years ago as a commonly used term from the practicing of Archery, which would have been a very important Skill to be acquired by all Tribes from such a period in History.
An Archers term from this period in history for a miss of the aim point, was they had a Sin or had Sinned.
A Sinner was a novice Archer, totally expected to Sin a lot.
How corrupt has that simple term become and how impeding is the present day usage to an individuals self worth. The simple term is not with the attraction of the historical usage in the World where the Christian has a strong influence.
When one veers from a ideal trajectory, fix the issue outwardly, load up, draw back on the bow and attempt the shot once more, there is no need to be loaded mentally, to carry any Baggage full of whatever missed opportunities.