Broke and still not happy

I like new country and good old rock & roll. My system sounds sterile, flat sounding,not musical and harsh in the highs.I have been playing bass guitar in the same band for 35 years for a living,I think I know what music is suppose to sound like. This is my gear.
Sonic Frontiers Line 1se,Classe Cam 200s,North Star Design Dac&Transport,Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors,Rel sub.Cables are balanced Nirvana SL pre to amps,Nirvana SL to speakers and Nirvana SX from source. Vibrapods under everything but amps. Echo Busters.HELP
I skimmed thru most of this thread---What this guy needs is Lowther horns. They don't look any different than regular speakers. Just the cone protrudes the enclosure. Talk about speakers that sound good walking around--these sound great in the next room. In the midrange they have few equals.Cheap and cheap to drive. You will need a sub--(maybe)
I would star over and start simple, forget expensive interconnects and wire, start with basic cable, you hear what you hear, I have owned aheard in my house lots of hi end gear, some sounds good, great and awful. I have tubes and ss. Try to fund a dealer who will loan you some stuff and if you like it go with that, as always trust your ear.

I own Mcintosh and love it.

I think that is a great choice. I am sure you will probably prefer the Pathos over your current seperates and you eliminated a need for a pair of interconnects. I think you will also dig the Au24. It does not look like much but it is the best I have used. I went from using AudioQuest Anaconda and Volcano to it and have not looked back. Make sure you use their PowerChords on what you can like the Pathos, your CD Player, Etc.

Now see if you can't get a one box CD player and try it with your current set up. I would put money on the table it will sound better. Good luck!

I read the AU24 interconnect wasn't as nice sounding as the speaker cable. I thought interconnects needed sheilding but not speaker. How do the interconnects work without sheilding?
Maybe you've played too long and too loud without hearing protection. Get an aural test for the heck of it, it's not too expensive.