Bryston Amp v.s others?

What do y'all think about the Bryston 4BST v.s others in its price range? Classe', Aragon, Krell, McCormack, etc...Thanks
I have the Bryston 4BST. I've heard the others. No question in my mind. Performance, quality, warranty, price and customer support. Bryston blows away the competition.
I bought a 4B-ST about 8 months ago, and have been very impressed with its audio quality. I paid $1650 for mine (new, not used). Combine the price and a 20-year unconditional, transferrable warranty, and nothing else comes close.
Another vote for the 4B-ST, built like a tank, sounds great and you can't beat that warranty or resale value if you don't like it.
While their are quite a few choices at the 4BST price point, I feel that the 4BST offers a great overall deal - great sonics, bass slam, superb construction and one of the best warranties in the biz. I love mine...