Bryston DAC....any experience out there?

Does anyone have the Bryston DAC in their pre-amp or integrated?.....if so, what are your thoughts as compared to other DACs?
Such an old thread. I was using Bryston's dac in my integrated amp. It works fine and neutral. But I changed to Orpheus One SE now. Of course, it is much better but the Bryston dac really gives value for money paid.
I Don't have a Bryston dac in my pre-pro,what I do have is the
Bryston BCD-1 and I have to say and I'm using the dac in the Bryston cdp(analog outs)fed into my Av-8.The dac in the Bryston pushes aside my Benchmark Dac-1.To my ears,
no comparison,Huge soundstage,wonderful bottomend,Tight,air ect.I like it so much,I'm selling the Benchmark,which I thought was good.Bryston has out a new outboard dac.
Bongo...I have Magnepan 1.6...slightly modified. Using the Bryston 100 intergrated and have the Bryston CD player as well as a highly modified, by SACD mods, Sony changer. I also have a MMF 5 turntable and various tuners. I listen mainly to Jazz and female vocals. Interested in putting the DAC card in the Bryston intergrated to use as an outboard DAC for the changer and for a Polk XM tuner.
Just ordered mine. Seems to be the most neutral that I auditioned--I have ATC 20 studio monitor speakers and they match well because I love "precise sounding" music. This will be matched to a Wadia 170 transport and a 4th Gen iPod.

With that said, there are a wide variety of options out there in the 500 to 2,000 dollar range. What source and speakers are you matching against?