Bryston, McIntosh, Krell or Mark Levinson

Greetings Audiogoners, 
I know that these speakers have been discussed ad nauseam here.  But I'm overwhelmed with information.  I'm searching for a used amp for my Thiel CS2.3.  The following are my top choices:  Bryston 7B SST, Mark Levinson No. 331, and McIntosh MC352.  Which one would you recommend?  Is the Bryston too powerful for my speakers?  Secondly, I'm considering a Bryston 4B for my Thiel SCS 3 center channel speaker.  Is the 4B too powerful for it? Finally, I found some Sonics brand amps, which are said to be Brystons in disguise.  Do you advise purchasing them?  

I don't like to listen at loud volume, but I do sometimes.  For the most part, I like good, clean, detailed music.  Please advise on the above, and I welcome any suggestions.   

+1 fuzztone - Never too much only to little.
+1 for Bryston, you need to compare.
I have the same speakers, and on my list of amps to consider are Ayre, Parasound A21 or 21+, and Benchmark (if I recall Tom Thiel uses these as a reference for his Thiel hot rodding projects).  Currently I run a Krell 350il coupled with a tube preamp and it sounds pretty darn good for the price, more musically immersive is a BAT VK55 so do consider tubes as well!  BTW I hate it when posters add to the list of options rather than help narrow it down, so my apologies for doing this to you!
@thosb The Benchmark AHB2 is what Tom Thiel uses with his Thiel, not sure which model. I used the AHB2 in stereo and mono with the Thiel CS3.7. The AHB2 is my all-time fav amp. I still have them. However, on my CS3.7 and the 2 Ohm dips the AHB2 was not ideal to bring out the very best in the CS3.7. The AHB2 are also not going to hide any brightness if it exists anywhere in the system The CS3.7 ae not bright.

Your speakers many not play in the 2 Ohm region so they could be OK. However, there are certain speakers I would not use with the AHB2 even if the power specs matched. Such as a Paradigm Persona, TAD ME-1, or bright sounding speakers.

After now close to 60 hours of break in on the Voyager I have decided to use it on my Thiel CS3.7 and use the excellent CODA #8 on my RAAL SR1a headphones. Both would be great on your Thiel.
if you want an amp that u can upgrade speakers to, and never worry about impedance, or anything else, get the Sanders Sound Magtech amp.

  the last amp you will ever need!!