Bryston or Classe

I currently have a h/t receiver with a Bryston 4B-ST with 804's and want to bring a good 2 channel pre-amp into the mix strictly for 2 channel listening. Looking for any input on either the Bryston or Classe pre-amps. I have heard that Classe is slightly warmer and possibly more musical then Bryston with the amps but not to sure how the pre-amps match up.
I was looking at the new Bryston pre-amps (I used to own an old 0.5b) and the Classe, but in the end I went with the Musical Fidelity A3cr pre-amp. It's only $1500 or so new, but it compares really favaorably with any of these other units. It offers amazing quiet, phenomenal detail and imaging, and a beautiful warmth. You should check out the Wes Philips review on I was actually not very happy with the Classe units I heard. From everyone I have spoken to they are love 'em or hate 'em units, so if you go that way make sure you hear one first. The Bryston BP-25 is excellent, but a little colder than the A3cr and no quieter or more detailed. If you need home theatre though, the SP-1 is a very fine unit.
Bryston has a punchier house sound. Classe's is more delicate. You seem to like hearing the details, which would suggest the Classe. However, a Bryston preamp might provide some synergistic benefits paired with your 4Bst. Also, you may lose much of a Classe preamp's delicacy after passing through the 4Bst. Recommend borrowing both and trying through your system.
For 2ch listening just upgrade the receiver to the Bryston SP-1. It is great for 2ch listening and functions as a home theater processor. It is upgradable and has their same 20 year warranty. I don't agree with placing the Bryston in the same class as Acurus. I own an Acurus amp also, and the Bryston blows it away.
I would go with Bryston, partly for the synergy with the 4Bst (which I've owned and I feel is a phenomenal amp for the price, much less colored than any Krell I've ever owned or heard, and in a completely different league than the Acurus and Aragon amps (which I've also owned). I think the BP-25 is nearly unbeatable, and if you ever do decide to resell it, it will retain a lot better value than the Classe stuff. The 20-year warranty speaks for itself.
I have a friend that has Classe and has had nothing but trouble with Classe. He has sent his integrated back 5 yes five times in the last two years. He has had no problems with any of his other components. They claimed to have rebuilt it each time. His name is being withheld since he wants to dump the amp and buy Bryston.