bryston sp 7.1 or ead 8800 pro?????

thinking of purchasing one of these units. if i go the bryston route i'll need the video switcher. i've heard alot of good stuff about the ead but not much on the bryston. any imput would be very healpful. i have the krell 7.1.
Try using the 8 channel bypass as a linestage. I am using my Scout turntable with the 8800. I think the 2-channel anolog inputs on the 8800 convert to digital and back to anolog. I use my DVD players coax output for 2-channel digital so the dac's can be used in the 8800.

Sutts, thanks so much. Even though I am opinionated I try to be fair.

Flemke, I am using 2 of the eight analog inputs on the EAD for the two channel. (I really dont need to try the other 6 because my Jolida CDP resolves better than my Sony SACD). The manual isnt clear on whether it is A to D back to A on the other inputs. It is clear that the bypass inputs are analog only.

Harry, we have disagreed on this very topic before. In retrospect its easy to see why. My needs are different from yours (2 channel vs multi). Toss in different taste and systems it seems evident why you may like the EAD so much.

The bottom line is, this EAD is a really nice piece. Though I am satisfied with my current setup, especially considering the amount of 2 channel I listen to. There are a few things I like about each however. The setup is a snap with the EAD. The EADs face plate is gorgeous. The Bryston gives me the option of using a sub in two channel bypass, plus the Bryston lets me bypass any input, not a select few like the EAD.

Though this whole comparison is rather moot for me. I fully intend to separate HT from 2 channel or at least separate the signal. With that in mind I am even considering downgrading. I have a new house in the works and it will have an 18' by 22' bonus room (above the garage). I am thinking dedicated HT with projector. At the very least I will have a dedicated listening room.

I have my 2 channel path and my HT in the same room. Unless you want separate rooms, it is a breeze to isolate your 2 channel path so it never travels through a processor.....even through a bypass!!!

I also do primarily 2 channel listening, but I love it that my HT takes advantage of my 2 channel path.
