Budget amp for NHT 2.5i - suggestions?

Hi guys, I just picked up a pair of NHT 2.5i towers, but I don't have an amplifier for them yet. Just wondering if you had any suggestions, especially if any of you are currently running these speakers or have had them in the past.

Apparently these speakers tend to be on the bright side, and they like lots of power to perform optimally. Some seem to use them with tube amps to decrease the brightness, but others seem happy with solid-state as well.

I got a good deal on these and am on a pretty tight budget, so I would probably buy a used amp, but I'm open to anything. Any suggestions or info would be great. Also, I will probably use my computer for music so I would have to buy a DAC as well (suggestions? maybe good amp/dac pairs?) Thanks!
Thanks a lot for the helpful responses, guys. So it looks like the best option would be a USB DAC and a power amp. The Peachtree Decco looks very nice, would this pair well with a B&K amp? Does anybody have any other suggestions for good USB DACs (or other power amps also)? Thanks again!
Also, both the Peachtree Decco and B&K are supposed to be pretty warm. I know that warmer components would be better for these speakers, but this would not be "overly warm" would it? I do want the NHTs to still sound as detailed and clean as possible.
If you can swing the cash, try a McCormack DNA-0.5. I have one hooked to my NHT's 2.5's and they sound awesome. This amps mates perfectly with the NHT's.
For sale now on a-gon is a pair of monarchy sm-70 pro amps.they have enough current to run your speakers.each amp can be used as two channel or as mono amps.and they can be hooked up with balanced or unbalanced connectors.
Yeah I've read that the DNA-0.5 is a solid amp for these speakers, looks like they can be had for around $600 used. Definitely looks like a nice amp, I'm guessing it would be a big improvement over a B&K (which could be had for closer to $200 or so)? Definitely a big price difference.

Also, any other suggestions for a USB DAC? Anybody use the Decco or other DACs for comparison? Also, just wanted to ask again to get a response for whether these could sound overly warm with the Decco (tube preamp) and a warm amp like the ones being discussed? Thanks.