Back to Schitt again. This new preamp from them is the best I have heard from them (including Freya+).
Schiit Audio: Audio Products Designed and Built in Texas and California
As a headphone amp it fails my very demanding phones (but that is OK). Less demanding phones are likely great with it. As a preamp into 2 amps (used for headphones and 2-channel) this thing is great. On the headphones it is reference class via the 20-watt ’Class A’ Schitt Aegir amp. As 2-channel to my Magtech amp (500-watts) and Magnepan LRS+ it is really good.
The Aegir path is better than even my Benchmark LA4 or Holo Serene preamps. On the Magtech path I prefer the other 2 but most would likely prefer the Mojolnir.
This preamp is on a limited run by Schitt. I am sure the reviews will be great.