Build a new system around pair of Snell Alll's?

Due to setting up a second home (in Austin), I have the opportunity to set up a new system around my Snell Alll's. Fortunately, it will be a bigger room and I do plan to make it a HT system although my main interest is to max stereo listening. I've had them on a B&K AVR707 and really enjoyed the clarity and neutrality I got. But feel the staging was too shallow which crunched the imaging. Without having any real tube experience I think I may be a SS listener at heart. The "peach fuzz" feel of tubes I've heard described seems unappealing. What I am convinced of is need to get much more power to the Snells. I know there's a ton of variables here but appreciate any suggestions from those who may be familiar with these beauties. Thanks
Getting lots of recommendations for the JC1's. I'll renew efforts to hear a pair. Thanks
Make sure the JC1's you audition are well broken in. They have a notoriously long break-in period.
I must say I'm surprised by the replies to this post, not that I can suggest anything better.

I've read that Audio Note admired Peter Snell's designs and in fact copied a couple of models for their own speaker line. And Audio Note amps range from what, 4 to 40 watts? Also one of the contributors to the old Sound Practices magazine stated the Snell A series was his favorite speaker and he also favored SET 300 B amps with 6 or 7 watts.

The only Snell A series (not sure if I, II or III) I've heard was a less than optimal set up. But simply reading comments over the years and seeing the respect for Peter Snell as a designer, I must admit my interest in hearing an optimized pair.