Build me a system for my 11' by 15' room

Perhaps a little challenge to see who can suggest to me the ideal system by parting together audiogon used gear. System must use tube amp. Not a solid state fan. Aside from that anything goes with a budget around $6000.

Room is 15' by 11'

really love the sound of Proac D15 but not sure if the room is to small. I love the sound of the Proac 1sc but to me they lack depth. I enjoy jazz and rock music.

I know what I have my eye on but would love to see what other people come up with.

There is a three month old pair of Magnapan MMG's for sale today for $400.
Pair this with a Scott tubed amp, and possibly a small sub ( I have a REL on order) and you will have outstanding sound at a budget price. This works fine in my 12x12 room with 9' ceiling. My Scott 222c was modified by Mapleshade.
Hi. Since we know in Audiophile jargon $6,000.00 means $8,000, I priced it accordingly. Harbeth speakers, ($2500.00) Sound Anchor speaker stands ($250.00), CJ Premier 11a tube amp ($2000.00), Naim CDX player ($1800.00) , Placette passive preamp (750.00) Speltz speaker cables (Bi-wire) and interconnects (2 pair)($250.00). You'll need to upgrade the power cables, and get a stand ASAP.
budget $300 for DIY room acoustic treatments, and build that first. see jon risch's web site for details.

see my rig; i'm in the same size room as you, and you'll see that room treatments are extensive, and allow the room to act much bigger than otherwise, enabling a host of speaker options that would otherwise be precluded.

fwiw, your listening preferences should dictate speakers. but imagine merlins VSMs would be a nice match.
Vandy 2 ce sigs -------------- --------1000
Raysonic 128 ------------------------1200
ARC VT-100-------------------------1400
ARC LS -15---------------------------750
AQ Colorado 2 pair---------------------800
AQ Rockefeller bi- wire------------------395
total-----------------5545=($55 for bottle of wine)

update Rockefeller to Mont Blank later
I have a pair of Proac Response 1.5s in a 11.5X13 room. The room is pretty well treated but I love them in here. Check my system.
Not a tube fan here so no real recommendations.