Building first 2 channel system, need cable advice

Hi, I am in the process of building my first 2 channel system which will be used pretty much exclusively for music (possibly will hook it up to my tv at some point).

The system consists of:
-Anthony Gallo Ref 3.1 Speakers
-Bel Canto Ref 1000 Mono Block Amps
-Slim Devices Transporter [to be used as the transport, DAC, and pre-amp] (which I eventually intend to get modified by modwright)
-Anthony Gallo Ref SA Bass Amp (for the 2nd voice coil of the 3.1s)

All my music will be coming off a server which is why I am using the transporter.

What types of cables do I need to hook all this up and then what brands etc should I look at? Cable prices vary ridiculously depending on the brand and I am wondering if it is really worth it?

In terms of types I was thinking Balanced XLR from Transporter -> Bel Canto. Then what do I need for Bel Canto -> Speakers? And what do I need for the Bass Amp? Where does the bass amp input come from and what type of cables do I need and then what do I need for bass amp -> speakers (im assuming same as bel canto -> speakers).

Then in terms of brands what should I look at? I have heard that Zu Audio Cables are really good but they are also very expensive. Is there any need to spend this much?

I'm sure you've heard this, but it all depends on your ears and budget. If possible borrow from a friend, try The Cable Company's lending program, or try one of the vendors who offers a money back guarantee. I've also purchased a couple used cables on this site based on reviews here and in the various mag's. I've bought a couple that didn't gel with my system, so I turned around and resold them with virtually no loss.

In my experience, I've found noticeable resolution, improvemed clarity, and tighter bass by upgrading cables. My previous cables were lower level MIT cables. I moved to Audioquest Diamondback's and a Kimber Hero in my system (McIntosh MC2105, A/R LS-7 pre & Dynaudio 52SE's). For my level of system, I feel that they match up pretty well. For the heckuva it, I borrowed a buddy's A/Z Matrix Ref's. While it was a great cable on his system, the limitations of my system held it back. For what it's worth, I try to stick to cables that do not exceed 10-15% percent of the equipment's original cost
Thanks for the info. I think I am going to try Signal Audio Cables. I have heard good things from a couple people and the price isnt too bad either.

Does anyone know what cables I need to hook up the SA bass amp? Im a bit confused. If I hook the transporter to my amps via XLR cables, do you think I could also hook up the non balanced output connectors on the transporter and hook that up to the bass amp?
So far in my audio journey I have found that the UPOCC silver wire is fantastic and beyond comparisson, but I have not tried any foil or ribbon designs. Theoretically it would be the best metal conductor available (7n purity and single crystal.
Cheers Jaap
Look into Oyaide PA-02 cables. Uses Furukawa-supplied PCOCC ("Ohno Continuous Cast") copper, well-built and inexpensive relative to the "field".