Delignit is what the German's refer to as "Panzerholz."
I hope I make no fiends by not reading through all the postings regarding TT plinths. I am overwhelmed. Where do I start with my quiries about tonearm re-wiring?
Panzerholz looks like plywood but is specially made and originally designed for armored cars. You may have seen Suchy's Clearaudio TTs that use it in their plinths. Maybe I am off on this buy my friend Moritz Schley I believe to be the first to use this material in audio, meanwhile for several decades. BTW, it is also excellent as platform (if not exceeding 120cm length), shelf.
I just purchased a vintage Sony PS 2250 and googling around came across this thread. Although the original plinth is pristine, I am 'bound for sound' and want to upgrade. Aside from Clearaudio's TTs, the first (I know of) TT to use Panzerholz was called the Boomerang (I wonder why?).
My question, should I use just a simple sheet of Panzerholz (it is for all practical purposes unable to store energy, that is, dissipates energy almost in 'real time'), or should I use it layered with other materials, e.g., MDF, or what is best? The material is not low budget, it costs roughly 50 Euro-cents per square cm!
Does anyone want to comment on the Sony PS 2250's original tone arm PUA 114? My cartridge is a Zu Audio DL-103R grade 2.
Thanks for your helpful input and interest!