I have the complete Audition package. They are very good cables. For the price they are hard to beat. I find them to be a bit lacking in air on the highest frequencies. Deep Purple's Machine Head which has lots of tape hiss from the original tape virtually disappears with this cable package. Which means that they aren't quite neutral. However, I haven't missed any treble on most other discs I listen to. Cymbals come through as they are supposed to but without, perhaps, the decay of the note that one would expect. Bass is there in spades and mid range is solid. Not the last word on soundstaging but realistic enough to enjoy - I love a deep soundstage but hate it when it sounds artificially deep. I think perhaps that the IC's are the weakest link in the package being a little on the dark side but they could be changed down the road if desired. One can never have enough good IC's. If you can afford the more expensive product like the Signature or Nite you may prefer that all on it's own. Said to be very good by the folks who frequent this forum - but too expensive for me, especially as I have to pay in Monopoly money ($C).
Go ahead and buy the Audition package, I don't think you'll regret it. It will make a great foundation for experimenting afterwards - I intend to try a balanced silver cable between amp and pre to return a bit of the HF air but am happy enough with what I have now that I'm in no rush at all.
Burn in will take a good month. In point of fact your cables may sound so bad in the first few days that you may wonder what you 've gotten yourself into. Patience grasshopper. All will be revealed. The cables start to stabalize around the three week mark. Good luck.
Go ahead and buy the Audition package, I don't think you'll regret it. It will make a great foundation for experimenting afterwards - I intend to try a balanced silver cable between amp and pre to return a bit of the HF air but am happy enough with what I have now that I'm in no rush at all.
Burn in will take a good month. In point of fact your cables may sound so bad in the first few days that you may wonder what you 've gotten yourself into. Patience grasshopper. All will be revealed. The cables start to stabalize around the three week mark. Good luck.