Burning smell

I have McIntosh 1.25 kw mono blocks. They are around 6 years old. One of them has started emitting an electrical burning smell when playing music. It doesn’t do it when just powered up, only when playing . Does anyone have a possible diagnosis of what component may be failing or what is happening ? Thanks


You should stop using the amplifier. Contact McIntosh or bring it to a local authorized McIntosh service network for inspection.


Call your local Best Buy and see if they can send a technician to your home to diagnose this 158-pound beast.

really , Will Best Buy come check it ou? II thought that was out of their realm.

The worst part for me is getting it up to Phoenix where the nearest McIntosh Tech is. Getting it in and out of the car is brutal, even worse  than the cost

Thanks for all responses. I'm going to try the Best Buy guys if they really come for that